Montessori School

Call us directly: 1-213-369-1620
213 S. Hobart Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90004



• Infant : 1 Class room
• Preschool : 6 Class rooms
• Afterschool : 2 Class rooms
• Private Tutoring : 5 rooms /w piano
• Outdoor play ground
• Indoor play ground
• Gym for school age children
** Welcome Disabled Customers and Guests.

Child Care Environments

• Room Arrangement

Rooms are arranged and designed to allow children
feel valued and respected.

Space and materials also allow for a wide variety
of age appropriate activities that appeal to their interests.
Materials are organized and accessible, promote independent use and active involvement.

• Space for activities

Three activity spaces - Outdoor / Indoor play ground and Indoor Gym(valley ball, basket ball)

Children need daily opportunities, both in an outdoor and indoor space, to exercise large muscles, run in open spaces, and exercise gross motor skills. It is best practice to provide a variety of surfaces to allow for different types of activities that promote interaction as children participate in team and group games. This is the best way to encourage older children to become involved in a group. We encourage school age children group play at indoor Gym aside for homework that promote interaction as children participate in team and group games. This is the best way to encourage older children to become involved in a group.

• Furnishings for routine care

Eating, nap, storage of children's possessions.

Appropriate furnishings supplied to meet the demands of their daily schedules.
Basic furniture, such as tables and chairs, should be sturdy and appropriate to the size of the children in the age group.
This allows children to be comfortable, have proper body support, and be able to focus on learning, playing, and routine activities rather than their own discomfort. Children take responsibility for themselves when they can independently store their possessions.

Copyright 2014 © | 213 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Office Hours: 8:00am - 6:00pm | Phone: 213-369-1620